About the Journal for Religion, Film and Media
JRFM is a peer-reviewed, open access, online publication. It offers a platform for scholarly research in the broad field of religion and media, with a particular interest in audio-visual and interactive forms of communication. It engages with the challenges arising from the dynamic development of media technologies and their interaction with religion in an interdisciplinary key. It is published twice a year, in May and November.
JRFM is edited by a network of international experts in film, media and religion with professional experience in interdisciplinary research, teaching and publishing, linking perspectives from the study of religion and theology, film, media, visual and cultural studies, and sociology. It is published in cooperation between different institutions in Europe and the USA, particularly the University of Graz, the University of Munich and Villanova University, in cooperation with the Schüren publishing house in Marburg.
Call for Papers. Death, Loss and Mourning in Film and Media
JRFM 2026, 12/1 (May 2026); Deadline submissions: 1 June 2025
Death, Loss and Mourning in Film and Media
What are then the narratives the media and popular culture offer us about death? How can media, online spaces, influencers, and popular culture be a part of loss and mourning? What notions of an afterlife do films and the online world provide? How are religious imaginaries about death reinvented in media representations? These are some of the questions we encourage authors to explore in this upcoming issue of the Journal for Religion, Film and Media. Though focusing on death, this issue is also very much about life. It aims to highlight how death, loss, and mourning is also a part of what it means to be human, a notion not always acknowledged in today’s culture.
Volume 10, No. 2Escaping the Moment. Time Travel as a Negotiation of Transcendence

Issue description
Time travel is a widespread popular cultural motif that copes with the transcendent, as it goes beyond physical boundaries and exceeds what is empirically observable. As the contributions in this issue show, the time travel motif not only expresses the tension between a Now an ... See the full issue