Prof. Dr. Cristiana Facchini

Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy
Cristiana Facchini is Full Professor of History of Christianity and Religious Studies. She studied in Bologna and specialised in Oxford, Jerusalem, and Paris. She earned her PhD in Jewish Studies at University of Turin. She extensively wrote on history and theories of religions, with special regards both to Christianity and Judaism. In 2015 she was one of the keynote speakers of the XXI IAHR (International Association for the History of Religions) World Congress held in Erfurt.
She was visiting professor at the University of Bielefeld and Haifa; she held positions as Senior Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, the Max Weber Kolleg in Erfurt, the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem.
She is the Editor-in-Chief of Quest - Issues in Contemporary Jewish History and the one of the Editors of Annali di storia dell'esegesi. She is a member of the Doctoral School in Global Histories, Cultures, and Politics at the University of Bologna and of Centra – Center for the History of Racisma and Anti-racism in Italy.
Her research interests include history of religions and modernity, history of religious minorities, media and religion, spatial approaches to religion, and theory and methodology of religious studies.