Prof. Dr. Nathalie Dietschy

Nathalie Dietschy (PhD) is tenure-track Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Lausanne. She earned her PhD in Art History at the University of Lausanne where she took part in a scientific interdisciplinary project on the representations of Jesus in contemporary art, cinema, and French literature (19th-20th century).
Specialized in contemporary art, her interests include the representations of Christian themes in contemporary art and photography, as well as the relationship between contemporary art, photography and digital cultures. She has published several papers on various issues related to the representations of Christian themes in contemporary photography (regarding feminist topics, transgressive interpretations, etc.) and has given numerous conferences on such themes. She is the author of The Figure of Christ in Contemporary Photography (Reaktion Books, 2020), and the coeditor of Le Christ réenvisagé (Infolio, 2016) and Jésus en représentations (Infolio, 2011).