Prof. Dr. Marek Lis

University of Opole, Poland
Master of Theology (Catholic University in Lublin, 1992)
Ph.D (Pontificia Università Salesiana, Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione Sociale, 2000), Thesis: Traduzione audiovisiva della Bibbia
Dr. Habil. (Opole University, Faculty of Theology, 2007), Thesis: Christ Figures in Krzysztof Kieślowski "Dekalog"
Chair of Homiletics, Media & Communications and Professor in the Theological Faculty of Opole University
Member of the Ecumenical Juries of international film festivals.
Author of publications concerning theological meaning of the cinema:
Audiowizualny przekład Biblii. Od translatio do transmediatio [Audiovisual Translation of the Bible: From Translatio to Transmediatio] (Opole, 2002)
100 filmów biblijnych [100 Biblical Films] (Kraków, 2005)
Editor of Światowa encyklopedia filmu religijnego [World Encyclopedia of the Religious Film] (Kraków, 2007)
Figury Chrystusa w “Dekalogu” Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego [Christ-figures in "The Decalogue" by Krzysztof Kieślowski] (Opole, 2007, 2013)
Cinematic Transformations of the Gospel (Ed., Opole, 2013)
Kieślowski czyta Dekalog [Kieślowski Reads the Decalogue] (Opole, 2014)
Krzysztof Zanussi. Przewodnik teologiczny [Krzysztof Zanussi: A Theological Guide] (Opole, 2015)
SIGNIS and Cinema. Looking for God Behind the Screen (Ed., Opole - Bruxelles 2016)
To nie jest Jezus. Filmowe apokryfy XXI wieku [This is not Jesus. Filmic apocrypha in the 21st century] (Opole, 2019)